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This calligraphic artwork features the “wild cursive” style of the thematic works of Tang period Buddhist monk and calligrapher Huai Su (725?–785?), whose work transcribed here depicts the seasonal fl...
A white dove, holding a green leaf in its beak, represents the speedy delivery of fresh goods to market. This installation is made of stainless steel and bearings, using the wind to interact with natu...
Presented in a surreal, allegorical manner, this work combines a variety of flying machines and flying methods. The different kinds of people and animals transcending gravity symbolize the pursuit of ...
To meet the needs of the park, the artist created a local aquatic turtle, which visitors can look at and touch.
Trees are gathering to form a forest, and forests are clustering to shape a mountain. The name of "Wenshan" shows the place's historical background. The artwork intends to create a theatric scenario b...