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The Scale Model of Youth appeals to a common experience to do with the scale model: we happily open a box of model kits, classify the pieces according to the numbered categories, and assemble these pieces into a finished object, either by following the instructions or by sheer hunch. The final product is completely different from its initial bulk mode; yet each of the pieces is constitutive of the unity. Our life is also constituted by an assemblage of events and activities such as schools, exams, family life, watching television, sports, chatting, and web-surfing, etc. We also utilize a variety of objects during the course ofthese activities without questioning the meaning of them. These crucial questions include the following: what can be dispensed from our daily lives? and what are the things that I desire yet still cannot own? The key question this artwork seeks to ask is: what sort of life do our youngsters aspire to?
District WanHua
Author Xiu-Qi-Wang
Author Yun-shan-Lee
Author Jane Ming-Hui
Address Wanhua District, Guangzho...
Author 、
Address Wanhua District, Taipei C...
Address Water Road, Taipei's Wanh...