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The Fast or Slow consists of sheets of anodized aluminum panels and light panels controlled by the motion sensor units located on the surface of two walls. Its central theme is a mental and physical stimulus through a simple interactive experience. It provides three patterns that vary in the way to switch the light panels on and off. (1) Chasing pattern: The LED panels in front of the walking audience is lit on and goes off quickly so that the audience feels that he is chasing the illumination. (2) Fleeing pattern: The LED illumination behind the walking audience is lit on and goes off quickly so that the audience feels that he is fleeing from something. (3) Gliding pattern: The LED illumination around the walking audience is lit for a relatively long time so that the audience feels as if he is walking with something. Its form and meanings intend to provide an opportunity to think about the lifestyle for the age of transition.
District NanGang
Author Shu-Min-Lin
Address No.3, Yuanqu St., Nangang...
Author Ya-Lun-Tao
Author Pu-Tsong
Author Jun-Jun-Lai
Author Hui-chiao-Chen
Author Pol Bury 、 Yat Sen International Art Consultants
Author Tony Cragg
Author Yat Sen International Art Consultants
Author Yat Sen International Art Consultants 、 Susumu Shingu
Author Marta Pan
Author Goang-Ming-Yuan
Address No. 67 Street, Nangang Di...
Address 31 Xiangyang Road, Nangan...
Address No. 128 Institute Road, N...
Address Institute Road, Nangang D...