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Like an endless track for all things in nature, the eternal cycle of the four seasons is akin to YuCheng Elementary Schol's sixty-plus years of consistent love and concern. Through the care of the teachers, students grow strong in knowledge, happy and worry-free. Through diversified development, each child is able to fully expressthe colors of his or her own unique life. Just like the vitality of the sun and the rainbow falling over the hillsides, "swimming," "gymnastics," "sports" and "art" reflect the radiance that YuCheng Elementary School nurtures.
District NanGang
Author Shu-Min-Lin
Address No.3, Yuanqu St., Nangang...
Author Ya-Lun-Tao
Author Pu-Tsong
Author Jun-Jun-Lai
Author Hui-chiao-Chen
Author Pol Bury 、 Yat Sen International Art Consultants
Author Tony Cragg
Author Yat Sen International Art Consultants
Author Yat Sen International Art Consultants 、 Susumu Shingu
Author Marta Pan
Author Goang-Ming-Yuan
District WenShan
Address Wenshan District, Taipei ...
Address No. 67 Street, Nangang Di...
Address 31 Xiangyang Road, Nangan...
Address No. 128 Institute Road, N...
Address Institute Road, Nangang D...