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A mirror suspended high in the air has long been a symbol of official integrity and justice. This work also echoes the theme of the entire public art project: vision. It symbolizes the lofty ideal that the law guarantees justice for all, and represents transparency. Mirrors, suspended in the air along the ascending stairs, form an intimate, interactive relationship of gazing and reflection with the viewer. Vision affords a glimpse of reality; light reflects upon oneself. The rays of the sun slip through the gaps among the mirrors and bathe those walking up and down the stairs in an endless exchange of light and reflection. What fills the eyes may be the real world; what shines back is the viewer's own heart.
District ShiLin
Author Guo-Syong-Li
Address 510 Chung Cheng Road Shih...
Author George Rhoads
Author Takis Vassilakis
Author Lin Shu-Chiu
Author Cijin Kiln Culture and Arts Co., Ltd. 、 Shen Heng Wing
Address No. 101, Sec loyalty Shih...
Author Cun-Wu-Wang
Author Wei-Ho-Wang
Address Shihlin District, Taipei ...
Address 345 Chung Cheng Road Shih...
Address 725 Wenlin Road Shihlin D...