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The term “athlete” refers to those who challenge the limits of human physicality, individuals who hone their skills and on a daily basis exert themselves within the jungle of competition. Nurtured incrementally, effort bears fruit, and natural talent is transformed into brilliant new records with the power to move others. It is the pyramid created by these accumulated results that pushes the sportsperson on to ever greater heights. ―Sport・Nature・Communication― This work is inscribed with 100 sports records and famous quotes from athletes, in between which grow green seedlings planted with the help of the public. This is not only a site of recreation where members of both school and community can exercise, stroll and relax, it is also a gathering spot for one and all. The introduction of greenery adds vitality and color to the urban setting, putting down roots that inextricably connect people with place.
District ShiLin
Author Guo-Syong-Li
Address 510 Chung Cheng Road Shih...
Author George Rhoads
Author Takis Vassilakis
Author Lin Shu-Chiu
Author Cijin Kiln Culture and Arts Co., Ltd. 、 Shen Heng Wing
Address No. 101, Sec loyalty Shih...
Author Cun-Wu-Wang
Author Wei-Ho-Wang
Address Shihlin District, Taipei ...
Address 345 Chung Cheng Road Shih...
Address 725 Wenlin Road Shihlin D...