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In this work the curved tension of the pole vault is transformed into the dynamic growth of plants. This metaphorically represents students growing strong in the fertile soil of the university, and breaking through earthly restraints to reach the clouds. It is this transcendence of limits that defines sport. Employing both sculpture and painting, the work causes an intriguing vibrancy, substantial yet immaterial, to arise from the transitional space of the building, so that only one line separates dreams and reality, encouraging the kind of innovative energy that dares to pursue dreams and push beyond limitations.
District ShiLin
Author Guo-Syong-Li
Address 510 Chung Cheng Road Shih...
Author George Rhoads
Author Takis Vassilakis
Author Lin Shu-Chiu
Author Cijin Kiln Culture and Arts Co., Ltd. 、 Shen Heng Wing
Address No. 101, Sec loyalty Shih...
Author Cun-Wu-Wang
Author Wei-Ho-Wang
Address Shihlin District, Taipei ...
Address 345 Chung Cheng Road Shih...
Address 725 Wenlin Road Shihlin D...