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Lin Liang-tsai is an internationally renowend Taiwanese artist specializing in copper, bronze and iron sculpture. After being hammered thousands and thousands of times, the hard, heavy metal takes on a dynamic, living texture with warmth, softness, and fortitude. "Care" is composed of two hands, left and right, rising upwards. One hand bends lithely, the other greets the sky, representing a spirit soaring. The loving hands, with fingertips encircling the palms, achieve perfect harmony of the soul. It soothes our hearts and resolves the conflicts of humanity.
District ShiLin
Author Guo-Syong-Li
Address 510 Chung Cheng Road Shih...
Author 、 、 、
Author George Rhoads
Author Takis Vassilakis
Author Lin Shu-Chiu
Author Cijin Kiln Culture and Arts Co., Ltd. 、 Shen Heng Wing
Address No. 101, Sec loyalty Shih...
Author Cun-Wu-Wang
Author Wei-Ho-Wang
Address Shihlin District, Taipei ...
Address 345 Chung Cheng Road Shih...
Address 725 Wenlin Road Shihlin D...