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A "memorandum" is a document meant to assist the memory and summarize a subject or related events. Based on the idea that "this should be remembered," the artwork comprises four directional signposts, titled "Memorandum of Maples," "Memorandum of Migratory Birds," "Memorandum of Turning Leaves," and "Memorandum of Stone Colors. " Each artwork is integrated with its surroundings according to the place's characteristics. The concept of an "identity system" has been introduced into the creative form of public art, blending its functionality into the environment, and using colors to express the space's distinctive qualities.
District ShiLin
Author Guo-Syong-Li
Address 510 Chung Cheng Road Shih...
Author George Rhoads
Author Takis Vassilakis
Author Lin Shu-Chiu
Author Cijin Kiln Culture and Arts Co., Ltd. 、 Shen Heng Wing
Address No. 101, Sec loyalty Shih...
Author Cun-Wu-Wang
Author Wei-Ho-Wang
Address Shihlin District, Taipei ...
Address 345 Chung Cheng Road Shih...
Address 725 Wenlin Road Shihlin D...