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The phoenix, a representation of elegance and nobility, is a mythical creature of the Chinese imagination. As interpreted in traditional Chinese culture, it is a symbol of universal peace and prosperity and a tnbute to benevolent administration. It is also a composite expression of traditional Chinese asupicious philosophy and artists' memories, A piece of steel symbolizing a dragon has been integrated within the image of the phoenix. "Retum to Genesis" eschews elaborateness and returns to original forms, tracing back to the most minimal of states, Made with stainless steel, the sculpture is unpretentious yet features endless changes, suggesting a return to the point of primal birth - a tiny phoenix opening eyes of innocence, to stare lingeringly at the emerging mists of time. Heavy stel is skillfully transformed into a nimble phoenix. The twirling carriage and soaring comportment of "Return to Genesis" falls in between image and abstraction, forming a happy dialectic.
District NanGang
Author Shu-Min-Lin
Address No.3, Yuanqu St., Nangang...
Author Ya-Lun-Tao
Author Pu-Tsong
Author Jun-Jun-Lai
Author Hui-chiao-Chen
Author Pol Bury 、 Yat Sen International Art Consultants
Author Tony Cragg
Author Yat Sen International Art Consultants
Author Yat Sen International Art Consultants 、 Susumu Shingu
Author Marta Pan
Author Goang-Ming-Yuan
Address No. 67 Street, Nangang Di...
Address 31 Xiangyang Road, Nangan...
Address No. 128 Institute Road, N...
Address Institute Road, Nangang D...